Sfax Review on EMR and HIPAA website

Posted: Jun 07, 2011
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We love it when other people review and provide feedback about Sfax.

John Lynn, HIT Analyst and author of the open forum and for EMR, EHR and HIPAA-related information, EMRandHIPAA.com, has taken a look at Sfax Driver and Sfax Online.

John comments: “..we could talk about the reasons that faxes are so effective and successful, but suffice it say that we’re going to be stuck using faxes for a long time to come. Of course, if you read this and you’re in healthcare then you know the love hate relationship with faxing and how faxing is an essential part of every clinic.”

He continues: “…one of the coolest features of Sfax was their Sfax Driver. It essentially creates a printer on your computer much like a fax server creates. When you print to it, the dialog for sending a secure fax comes up and you’re able to easily fax anything that you can print…”

John loved the fact that Sfax was easy to use, he said:”..It was kind of funny, because the Sfax support people had been reaching out to me to be sure I got the customer service that I needed to be able to use their product. I found their Sfax printer and online product so simple to use that I just emailed them back and said I didn’t need their help…”

John also knows the power of integrating Sfax using the Sfax Fax API and said:”..If I was an EMR vendor and didn’t have an integrated faxing service yet, I’d be on the phone to Sfax to talk about leveraging their API so I could worry about other EMR features…”

Check out the full article entitled Secure Fax Services and EMR.